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奥克兰 Bridge Climb and 高空弹跳


高空弹跳 景点 土地的活动 极限运动 & 肾上腺素

You don't have to do a bungy jump to enjoy the experience of New Zealand's only bridge climb.

Ultimate city adventure, including bungy and bridge climb over 奥克兰 Harbour.  首页 of the world's first Harbour Bridge 高空弹跳 Jump, and operating since 2003. The jump of a lifetime.

AJ Hackett is a byword for the world's best bungy jumps.  This one, off the awesome 奥克兰 Harbour Bridge, promises an experience you'll never forget.  There's a jump pod hanging beneath the bridge - an incredible sight in itself. It's here that you'll prepare to launch yourself towards the waters of Waitamata Harbour, below.

It's the country's only 'Ocean Touch' bungy jump, so make the most of the unique location. Jump in tandem, if it's your first time, or go for a classic ankle tie drop.  You'll get a complimentary T shirt, proving you've done the business, plus the memory of some stunning views. If you're brave enough, you'll try to keep your eyes open long enough to see yourself falling to earth (or water)!

To get to the bungy drop, you have to do the 奥克兰 Bridge Climb.  It's New Zealand's only bridge climb, but you don't have to be doing a bungy jump, to enjoy it.  Your tour guide will shepherd you to the top, on an exhilarating 90-minute walk, where you'll be rewarded with once-in-a-lifetime 360 degree views of this amazing city. 

Daredevils will want to drink in every adrenaline-packed second of this hike over metal girders, while others will have their attention fixed firmly on their feet!

Contact 奥克兰 Bridge Climb and 高空弹跳



Westhaven Reserve, Bottom of Curran St, 赫恩山Herne湾 , 奥克兰中央







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